Returned Codes and Error Messages
Standard Status and Error Codes
Code | Label | Description |
200 | OK | Successful operation. |
400 | BAD REQUEST | Invalid position. Session expired. Wrong parameter. Invalid group size. |
401 | UNAUTHORIZED | Unauthorized action. |
403 | FORBIDDEN | Action not allowed on the resource. Action not allowed for the user. |
404 | NOT FOUND | Invalid ID. |
Specific Error Messages
Ticket Creation
Message | Reason |
QUEUE_IS_CLOSED | The queue is closed. |
QUEUE_IS_FULL | The queue is full. |
BOOKING_IS_CLOSED | The booking is closed. |
INVALID_APPOINTMENT_TYPE_ID | The appointment ID does not exist. |
INVALID_GROUP_SIZE | The group size is outside the limits. |
PHONE_REQUIRED | A phone number is required. |
INVALID_PHONE | The phone number does not exist. |
MAIL_REQUIRED | A email address is required. |
INVALID_MAIL | The mail address does not exist. |
NAME_REQUIRED | A user name is required. |
INVALID_NAME | Too much characters (up to 1000 maximum) or invalid characters. |
INVALID_BOOKED_FOR | The bookedFor parameter is not valid. |
CLIENT_TICKET_FOUND | A ticket for the same user is already in the queue. |
CATEGORY_TICKETS_EXCEEDED | The maximum number of tickets available for this category has been reached. |
INVALID_POSITION | The GPS position does not exist or is too far. |
POSITION_REQUIRED | A GPS position is required. |
PLACE_TICKET_DELAY_EXCEEDED | The requested ticket is too close to an existing ticket. |
EXCEEDED_QUOTA | No more availability for the requested slot. |
Ticket Postponing
Message | Reason |
QUEUE_IS_CLOSED | The queue is closed. |
QUEUE_IS_FULL | The queue is full. |
BOOKING_IS_CLOSED | The booking is closed (Booking API v2). |
INVALID_POSTPONE_TO | Wrong date/time for the postponing. |
CLIENT_TICKET_FOUND | A ticket for the same user is already in the queue. |
CATEGORY_TICKETS_EXCEEDED | The maximum number of tickets allowed for this category has been reached. |
PLACE_TICKET_DELAY_EXCEEDED | The time slot of the ticket is outside the one of the place. |
EXCEEDED_QUOTA | Quota has been reached. |
TICKET_STATE_NOT_ALLOW_THIS_ACTION | The state of the ticket does not allow the action. |
FORBIDDEN_ACTION_ON_THE_QUEUE | The queue does not allow the action. |
Ticket Rating
Message | Reason |
INVALID_BODY | Invalid data, wrong format. |
INVALID_SCORE | The score is not between 0 and 5. |
INVALID_COMMENT | The comment has unauthorized characters. |
COMMENT_TOO_LONG | The comment is too long (max. 100 characters). |
Queue Availability
Message | Reason |
QUEUE_ID_NOT_FOUND | The queue does not exist. |
APPOINTMENT_TYPE_ID_NOT_FOUND | The appointment type does not exist. |
Message | Reason |
USER_ID_NOT_FOUND | The user ID does not exist. |
SESSION_NOT_FOUND | The session ID does not exist. |
INVALID_CLIENT | The user ID does not exist. |
Other Error Messages
Message | Reason |
TICKET_STATE_NOT_ALLOW_THIS_ACTION | The action is not allowed, e.g. the ticket may be canceled. |
SESSION_OUT_OF_DATE | The session has expired. |