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Returned Codes and Error Messages

Standard Status and Error Codes

200OKSuccessful operation.
400BAD REQUESTInvalid position. Session expired. Wrong parameter. Invalid group size.
401UNAUTHORIZEDUnauthorized action.
403FORBIDDENAction not allowed on the resource. Action not allowed for the user.
404NOT FOUNDInvalid ID.

Specific Error Messages

Ticket Creation

QUEUE_IS_CLOSEDThe queue is closed.
QUEUE_IS_FULLThe queue is full.
BOOKING_IS_CLOSEDThe booking is closed.
INVALID_APPOINTMENT_TYPE_IDThe appointment ID does not exist.
INVALID_GROUP_SIZEThe group size is outside the limits.
PHONE_REQUIREDA phone number is required.
INVALID_PHONEThe phone number does not exist.
MAIL_REQUIREDA email address is required.
INVALID_MAILThe mail address does not exist.
NAME_REQUIREDA user name is required.
INVALID_NAMEToo much characters (up to 1000 maximum) or invalid characters.
INVALID_BOOKED_FORThe bookedFor parameter is not valid.
CLIENT_TICKET_FOUNDA ticket for the same user is already in the queue.
CATEGORY_TICKETS_EXCEEDEDThe maximum number of tickets available for this category has been reached.
INVALID_POSITIONThe GPS position does not exist or is too far.
POSITION_REQUIREDA GPS position is required.
PLACE_TICKET_DELAY_EXCEEDEDThe requested ticket is too close to an existing ticket.
EXCEEDED_QUOTANo more availability for the requested slot.

Ticket Postponing

QUEUE_IS_CLOSEDThe queue is closed.
QUEUE_IS_FULLThe queue is full.
BOOKING_IS_CLOSEDThe booking is closed (Booking API v2).
INVALID_POSTPONE_TOWrong date/time for the postponing.
CLIENT_TICKET_FOUNDA ticket for the same user is already in the queue.
CATEGORY_TICKETS_EXCEEDEDThe maximum number of tickets allowed for this category has been reached.
PLACE_TICKET_DELAY_EXCEEDEDThe time slot of the ticket is outside the one of the place.
EXCEEDED_QUOTAQuota has been reached.
TICKET_STATE_NOT_ALLOW_THIS_ACTIONThe state of the ticket does not allow the action.
FORBIDDEN_ACTION_ON_THE_QUEUEThe queue does not allow the action.

Ticket Rating

INVALID_BODYInvalid data, wrong format.
INVALID_SCOREThe score is not between 0 and 5.
INVALID_COMMENTThe comment has unauthorized characters.
COMMENT_TOO_LONGThe comment is too long (max. 100 characters).

Queue Availability

QUEUE_ID_NOT_FOUNDThe queue does not exist.
APPOINTMENT_TYPE_ID_NOT_FOUNDThe appointment type does not exist.


USER_ID_NOT_FOUNDThe user ID does not exist.
SESSION_NOT_FOUNDThe session ID does not exist.
INVALID_CLIENTThe user ID does not exist.

Other Error Messages

TICKET_STATE_NOT_ALLOW_THIS_ACTIONThe action is not allowed, e.g. the ticket may be canceled.
SESSION_OUT_OF_DATEThe session has expired.