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The Lineberty Display API

If you have chosen to call Customers by displaying the ticket and the endpoint on one or more screens, maybe in a waiting room or above the desks, use the Display API to create your own (web)application.

A Display application is a good way to inform the Users on the evolution of the queue and to dispatch them to the endpoints. For a User who has no SMS or mobile application but a paper or a virtual ticket, the evolution of the queue provides useful information such as:

  • The number of tickets before her/him, i.e. the number of tickets before her/his turn.
  • If the queue is being delayed or not.
  • When s/he will pass approximately.

Depending on your use case, the display may centralize all queues on a single screen, or only call up tickets from a particular endpoint.

⇾ Access the Display OpenAPI and its reference documentation.