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The Lineberty REST APIs

All the Lineberty APIs – Booking, Validation and Display – are REST APIs.

As such, your application (whether downloaded from a store onto a mobile, a web application, or an application provided on a terminal) will request for resources on a web server, and the server will return responses containing the information.

Because the Lineberty API is a REST API, it is language agnostic and handles incoming and outgoing information across HTTPS, just like the web. Our REST APIs use JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) as the default message format.

As REST APIs, Lineberty Booking, Validation and Display APIs focus on resources (i.e. focus on things rather than actions) and the ways to access these resources (the "routes" or "paths").

Resources are typically different types of information. They are at the core of all interactions and are addressable through clear URIs (Uniform Resource Identifiers).
These URIs consist of a base path (or base URL or host) referring to the common path for the API, and of an end path containing the path to both the resource and the query string parameters.

The URIs are accompanied by a method that specifies how you want to interact with the resource.

The Lineberty REST API methods include GET (to read), POST (to create), PUT (to update) and DELETE (to remove). These methods are like verbs used to express the intent behind an operation.

Architecture of the Lineberty APIs

The diagram below shows the overall architecture of the Lineberty APIs.

Architecture of the REST APIs

Details of the Lineberty REST APIs

REST APIs focus on resources, the paths to access them, and the methods to interact with them. In the case of the Lineberty API, this can be detailed as follows.


The resources in the Lineberty Booking, Validation, and Display APIs are:

|--- Companies
| |---- Places
| / \
| / \
| Subplaces* Categories of places*
| | |
| |--- Queues |--- Queues
| |--- Tickets |--- Tickets
| |--- Users |--- Users

*These sublevels are available in the Booking API only.

Read specific information in:


Booking API- Host:
- Endpoints: /companies/{companyId}/places
Validation API- Host:
- Endpoints: /companies/{companyId}/places
Display API- Host:
- Endpoints: /companies/{companyId}/places


HTTP VerbUsage
GETTo read a specific resource (by an identifier) or a collection of resources.
POSTTo create a new resource.
PUTTo update a specific resource (by an identifier) or a collection of resources.
DELETETo unsubscribe from the Notification service or disconnect an operator for example.

Reference Documentation

Reference documentation is available within the OpenAPI:

⇾ Open the Booking OpenAPI and its reference documentation.

⇾ Open the Validation OpenAPI and its reference documentation.

⇾ Open the Display OpenAPI and its reference documentation.