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Authentication and Pre-Login

Login to the Validation API concerns the Operator, someone of your Company, who logs to an endpoint.


The connection to an endpoint is mandatory, it makes the difference with the Booking API.

Two connections modes are possible:

  • Either classical with a password
  • Or using a pre-login

The two modes are mutually exclusive, see Validating a Ticket.

Login with Password

The Operator logs to the endpoint directly with the following information:

  • A user ID
  • A password generated and managed by Lineberty
  • The ID of the endpoint
"endpointId": "endpointId1",
"loginId": "",
"password": "aKpf9!d32cj,"

⇾ See the route POST /operator/endpoint/{endpointId}/login


Pre-login means that the Operator will log in before choosing the endpoint s/he wants to connect to.

S/he can pre-connect using either SSO, or a classical login with user ID and password.


Single Sign-On, a method to authenticate to multiple services with an unique identifier and password, for the duration of a session.

The pre-login process with SSO is the following:

  1. The Operator logs to a user account using the identifier and the password of her/his SSO account.
"loginId": "",
"password": "aKpf9!d32cj,"
  1. An endpoint is linked to the connexion to finalize the login.
"endpointId": "endpointId1"

⇾ See the route POST /operator/preLogin
⇾ See the route POST /operator/session/assignToEndpoint


In all cases, a Lineberty user account must exist to allow the management of access rights and various authorizations. First of all, the connection mode must be validated between Lineberty and your Company.